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Bug in - Adding Address Fields


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Hello, I couldn't find a specific place to report a bug so I'm posting it here.


For whatever reason when I go to Localization -> Countries and edit North America / United States the customer field section looks like this:


Customer:firstname lastname
address1 address2
city, State:name postcode


This format makes the firstname field not show up on the form in both the front end and back office. When I delete the Customer: text the form fields show up fine. But, it does not hold thid edit and every time I go back to edit the United States section the format is the same as above. So I have to change it again.


There appears to be a syntax error with the default form field configuration? Is that what's going on here?


I hope it will be fixed. Thank you!

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Thanks! And doing so now!

I dint find the exact customer field you are refering to in my ps Can you share some screenshot?





Found that it's not bug on my part, I misconfigured the default country in Localization-localization, and configured the wrong field in localization country too. This result no field being shown.

Edited by Mickeel (see edit history)
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