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no tax in shopping cart if company buyer have VAT number


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Enable B2B mode to get VAT number to address.

Install the European VAT number module and set your country.

Put all EU countries to one zone - Europe - and set taxes for all these countries.

Disable taxes for all countries outside the EU.

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  • 1 year later...

Enable B2B mode to get VAT number to address.

Install the European VAT number module and set your country.

Put all EU countries to one zone - Europe - and set taxes for all these countries.

Disable taxes for all countries outside the EU.


Did you do this?

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i shoul disable taxes for all countries that companies have VAT NUMBER. 

I enabled B2B and installed module EUROPEAN VAT NUMBER

but I don't undersant the last two passages 

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i'm from Italy, taxes in italy are 22% (and all in europe) but i want disable all taxes for all countries. 

If someone from Japan it should pay 10% but if he have COMPANY with VAT NUMBER ihe pays just only product's price and not taxes

Edited by locen (see edit history)
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this is not the problem, 

I should activate B2B for all company that have VAT NUMBER and if they have this, they don't see and they don't pays taxes
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  • 1 year later...

Enable B2B mode to get VAT number to address.

Install the European VAT number module and set your country.

Put all EU countries to one zone - Europe - and set taxes for all these countries.

Disable taxes for all countries outside the EU.

Hello, this looks to be working ok for adding taxes or not, depending on the country of delivery(within eu we add tax, outside eu no tax). What about the rule that says if the client is a Business (with VAT registered) within EU, in that case no tax should be applied. Is there a way to activate such a combo rule for a client who comes from a EU country?

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