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help! To many image files in prestashop/img/p folder

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Hi Guy's
I'm creating a large online shop, I received an email from the server of
the site which basically said I have to many files in one of the folders.
This folder unfortunately is Prestashop/img/p, the product image folder
below is a copy of the email, as I have hundreds more images to load in can
this be fixed, maybe by using additional folders or is it a GD Libary
problem, I would really appreciate your help with this.
cheers Greg.

From: Webcity Support

Date: 17 December 2009 12:43:36 AM AEST

To: [email protected]

Subject: Security issues identified with your webcity account

We have identified the following issues with your account on the
ares.instanthosting.com.au server during one of our checks of customers
accounts and recommend investigating the issues listed below as soon as
possible as they may affect the performance or security of your account.

* The following folders/email accounts contain too many files/emails, you
may need to delete some files in this folder or clear out old email


Our terms and conditions can be found at
http://hosting.webcity.com.au/terms_hosting.php. If you have any questions
we recommend consulting the documentation for your site software before
lodging a support ticket. Searching for the solution on a search engine is
also recommended.

**** Joomla Users ****
If you are a Joomla or Wordpress user you may want to take a look at the
links below for information on maintaining and protecting your website:

**** Webcity Sitebuilder users ****
If you use the Sitebuilder software that came with your hosting account as
your website then you may wish to contact support by phone or email if you
are unsure of how to fix any of the issues listed above.

**** Other Users ****
If you have designed your website using one of the scripts installed in
Fantastico or that has been designed with or by a 3rd party or we recommend
consulting any support forums or wikis that they provide for additional
information or contacting the person who designed your site to help you
resolve these issues.

We thank you for your prompt attention to these issues, please feel free to
contact us should you need further assistance with any of the content
contained in this notice.

Webcity Support
[email protected]

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