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Issue implementing {id_order} in e-mail template order_conf.html

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Hi, I'm having issues implementing {id_order} in e-mail template order_conf.html. 

Actually, there's {order_name} and I want to replace it with {id_order}. 

{order_name} displays well, but when I use {id_order}, it doesn't show the order id number, instead, it just prints as "{id_order}", as though it didn't recognize the variable.



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I have the same problem - I know that I must change this in PaymentModule.php. I have added:


(after 563 line) '{id_numer}' => $order->id,


(after 725 line) '{id_numer}' => $order->id,


And now It works, but only partially... For example order confirmation mail works, displays order ID NUMER after adding {id_number} to files in /mails/ directory, but order cancelled mail, or bankwire mail doesn't work -> these ones displays "{id_number}" in mail. What I'm missing? What I must to change? Why in one mail it works, and in others it doesn't work? That's strange for me...

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  • 2 years later...

Hey Herland,


Not sure if you'll see this or not but I've tried adding the same code to PaymentModule.php, and I can't seem to get it to work.


It's frustrating because I have made the change within the HTML version in the back office, but the email still prints {id_order}. I would also like to add the order ID to the subject.


Any Ideas?




Edited by Beaniie (see edit history)
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