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Contact form not functioning - tried other posts, not same problem.

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Hi all,

My contact-form.php is redirecting after clicking send, no error or confirmation is given, i've tracked the redirect down to init.php, when the ob_start(); is called, before this happens the page is still contact-form.php, afterwards, it's the home page.

The contact page is definately posting to itself, but is somehow bing redirected, I looked up ob_start(); and redirection issues and there is a bit of chatter about it but nothing really useful.

Anyone ever had this or can assist me in debugging?

edit: see goingoutglam.com and you can see what it's doing

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Hmm apparently not and the same issue happens when I try to register, though the user is successfully registered, they get returned to the home page when they register and no email is sent

edit: I've tried several different emails to no effect and an old installation of the system is working okay with the same settings...

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2 things you should try:

In /tools/swift/Swift/Message.php line #79



$this->setFrom("[email protected]");

And in /tools/swift/Swift.php after line 370 (if (!($has_reply_to = $message->getReplyTo())) $message->setReplyTo($from);)
add the following code:

   if (!$has_reply_to[0])

Now try sending a message, if it still doesn't work, try the following:

In /tools/swift/Swift/Plugin/MailSend.php line # 159 add

$params = "";

Now try sending it again, if it still doesn't work, try restarting windows (it's the only other thing I can think of ;))

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Have found out the exact point at which the error is occuring in SMTP.php runAUthenticators there is a loop througha directory and several classes are attached, at some point it manages to read index.php, and gets no furhter, though there is no index.php in the directory so i've no clue where its got it from, logs attached:

352 LOOPING index.php
350 ATTACHED Swift_Authenticator_CRAMMD5
349 ATTACHING Swift_Authenticator_CRAMMD5
347 LOOPED @PopB4Smtp.php
346 LOOPING @PopB4Smtp.php

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Ok i've got a fix but I could do with knowing the underlying issue here about how it arrive at including index.php. THe fix was to add if($file != "index.php) over the attaching and requiring of the file...

Like i said I really am clueless as to how it decided index.php was a candidate to include?

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Actually i'm not clueless, there is actually an index.php in there. That's fail, checked the distro and it's in there as well, looks like that ones a bug then?

Edit: Yep and it's got a location in a header() that's causing a redirect it seems.

Edit: Yes fixed now, removal of the index.php solves my issue, hopefully this will help others in the same situation

Remove index.php from tools>swift>Swift>authenticator

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