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Questions: Columns, images, sizes, category listing

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Hello all,


I have several questions about Prestashop/the MTStudio theme. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but here goes. If this isn't the right place please let me know. I hope someone here can help me.


The website I am talking about: http://onpole.org/b4t2


My questions:


1. On the homepage on the left side is a column, containing Categories. On a product page this column disappears. How can I set it so the column stays?


2. On the homepage is the 'Featured products' module. I think this is a module by ThemesDeveloper? So I am not sure if this belongs here. My question here is how I can set the size for the images? It doesn't seem to be a setting in the module itself or in the image configuration and the images look wrong now.


3. On a category page (for example: http://onpole.org/b4t2/index.php?id_category=57&controller=category) only one product image is displayed. How can I configure that every product has an image on this page?


4. On a subcategory page (for example: http://onpole.org/b4t2/index.php?id_category=27&controller=category), the following text is displayed under the subcategory listing: "There are no products matching the selection.". How can I remove this text?


Your help is appreciated, I hope someone can help me!


Thanks in advance,


Bjorn Elsing

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