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Questions about PrestaShop (text fields, file uploads)

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I today discover Your new PrestaShop Cart, and I install it for one my demo accounts, to try it out.
Everything seems fine, but...

Right now I am using ZenCart. There I have possibility to add for products extra fields, what costumers can fill. And also they can upload photos.
I am selling photo mugs, and also T-shirts, with various texts.

So - is some possibility to add these features to PrestaShop also? So that costumers can upload pictures and also leave a note (like name, what they want to mug).


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Hi again

I installed Magento also, but until now I like Presta more. Magneto is really BIG and slow.
But both have the same problem - I don't have find possibility to add extra attributes for product - comment field or upload field.

Presta admin and user interface is much better, than Zen Cart has, also it is very easy to translate, and many features (like PDF invoices) are allready together with default install. Zen Cart admin interface is huge and hard to understand at some times. Also it is hard to translate.

When someone can give a hints, how to get these extra attributes to Presta, I will be very happy. Then I can take to new projects already Presta.

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Hi Spott,

Thanks for the kind words about PrestaShop. Hopefully we can get you up and running! :)

Just to make sure I understand : you're having trouble adding attributes for a product? Did you follow the instructions on "Attributes in the Wiki":/wiki/Attributes_and_attribute_groups/ ?

By "comment field" and "upload field", what do you mean exactly? You want to insert a Comment field and an Upload field on your Front Office product page, is that it? Can you post some screen shots to help us visualize it?


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OK I will see what I can do to help others have also requested this feature.
if you can send me via PM a detailed specification of all your requirement's & possibly display visuals to show how & where you want this to function. I will then look into this request when I get some free time ;-)

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Here is example:
or live example:

This is Estonian, but I hope you can understand.
These pictures, what You can see with this product - this is example.
There is two extra fields for costumer (Front Office)
Tekst - this is usual text field. So that costumer can order a Mug, with text, let say "Hello world"
Next is Maksimaalselt 2MB. JPG, PNG, GIF formaadis Pilt - this is a upload field, where costumer can upload picture (2MB size, JPG, PNG or GIF format). All uploaded pictures are stored at upload catalog, and renamed as pic001, pic002 etc. So that I am seeing thiskinde order:

So that I am seeing, that they want mug, with text "Textcomment" and with picture 3.jpg in uploads folder.

I hope now You can better understand me, what feature I am looking.
All other things (text color, placement etc) - this can done with usual attributes allready now in PrestaShop

Hi Spott,

Thanks for the kind words about PrestaShop. Hopefully we can get you up and running! :)

Just to make sure I understand : you're having trouble adding attributes for a product? Did you follow the instructions on "Attributes in the Wiki":/wiki/Attributes_and_attribute_groups/ ?

By "comment field" and "upload field", what do you mean exactly? You want to insert a Comment field and an Upload field on your Front Office product page, is that it? Can you post some screen shots to help us visualize it?

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Hi Spott!

Thanks for the detailed explanation. If only everyone would answer that way! :lol:

OK, I know exactly what you're referring to. Unfortunately, this functionality has not yet been developed for PrestaShop.

You'll be pleased to know that these features will soon be integrated into the default PrestaShop solution, in two parts: *Customize product (text only)* and *Customize product (text and/or image)*.

The first, *text only*, was actually due to be part of version 1.0 due out next week, but it had to be cut for scheduling reasons. It will be included in v1.1, due out in September.

Cheers :)

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Hello this is a feature which will be coming in September you have PM me to say you want this to be developed earlier.

Now I help out as much as I can & plan to donate at least 2 modules a month & more of my time to this community. However this request with the details you have provided me with is a big job & I have estimated it will take 6-8 hours development time, as I have said before i will donate to this community & spend as much time as I can in between my own web projects but if people have additional development requests & this takes over 1 hour then there will be usually a small charge for my time :roll:

Quoted from your PM

I am sad that you want money for this module. I think this in a case that you are an Opensourcer. See some Open Source example:

Prestashop is opensource but you will find with a lot of opensource software, there are always commercial contributions after all there is a lot of work that goes in to development & no one at the end of the day can work for free unless of course you have got plenty of time on your hands. Usually the reason you get so many contributions for these sort of systems. Is when the someone develops there own modules for their client & then the rest of the community can take advantage of this.

My charges our based on a one off development fee. This does not have to be based just on 1 person.
the feature in question can be developed earlier than September in fact possibly in the next week
when & if the module is developed this contribution will be available to rest of this community & who ever has payed towards this will be stated in the contribution topic module developed by Alpha Media & donated by names - web sites

Please anyone else interested in this one PM me or of course if other developers on here have got time for a FREE-BE be my guest pr3574 will be awaiting your response :lol:
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I was wondering looking at "unlimited attributes to products"

Is it possible to create custom fields as well, like for webhosting like a nameserver field, domain field, monthly paid subscriptions signup? If not should be added to the feature request or developed as a module? Can someone help me out?

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This feature is currently unavailable until Mid August / September :roll:
However i have had another recent request for this off several people who PM me directly
one of them is prepared to wait on this but the other member would like this sooner.

If you prepared to wait then you will get this Free otherwise PM & the development cost will be spit in half.
Then both members would actually be donating this feature to this community

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