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Siblings categories links in bottom layer

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I would like to make siblings category links showing on just the bottom layer.


I will try to explain it by using the image above.


First when someone clicks on the link fashion it should just show the subcategory image for men and women. Same when someone has chosen Men or Women it should just show icons of the subcategories Pants, Shirt etc. etc.


But when in the “bottom layer“ for example someone choose Fashion>Men>Pants it should show the products plus links to sibling categories.


I have found this thread with similar issue http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/239766-subcategories-links-inside-a-subcategory/


But the problem is that I don’t want to show sibling categories when someone has chosen Fashion>Men or Fashion>Women just when someone are on the “bottom layer” of the categories.  


Is that possible to do? If so how?


Hard to explain but I hope it’s understandable.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by stejob (see edit history)
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