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How to hook wishlist module on shopping cart page.

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I am trying to add the wishlist below my shopping cart so that user can add products from wishlist directly.


i managed to hook the wishlist but the products in the wishlist comes from the shopping cart instead of displaying from wishlist's product list.


can anyone let me know what did i do wrong?

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let's clarify.

- what you mean by wishlist? some part of wishlist module? which one?

- what you mean by shopping cart? some part of block cart module? or cart page?


what theme you use and what prestashop version?

Hello vekia,


ps version:

theme: default

I am making modifications in the prestashop module blockwishlist.

I have managed to do the above task.


but i have one new problem.


i want that my wishlist should be visible on shoppingcart page too.

so i created a hook


public function hookShoppingcart($params)


        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockwishlist-cartpage.tpl');



which displays the content in blockwishlist-cartpage.tpl file at the end of shoppingcart page.


but when i increase the no. of products in the cart(clicking on +) the wishlist gets empty.


so to avoid this issue i called the hook in shopping-cart.tpl file


{hook h="Shoppingcart" mod="blockwishlist"}

which displays products even when i click on + to increase the no. of products.


result: i have two wishlists .

1st: due to hookShoppingcart method (at the end of page)

2nd: after calling hook in shopping-cart.tpl file. (below the shoppingcart page)


i don't want the 1st one.

in the attachment you can see the wishlist appearing twice.post-849301-0-40970000-1415356870_thumb.png

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