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Adding product both to Home and specific subcategory?

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I am still a newbie in Prestashop and I am discovering new things almost on a daily basis.

What it confuses me when I am adding a product is the category association. Does it has any sense to assign it both to Home category and to the regular subcategory where it belongs.

At first sight, I thought that it would be useless and for this reason I added all my products only the their subcategories. But now I notice that, for example the Featured products module does not show me any products, since it is set to the default category (2 which is Home).

I thought Home category actually contains all the other subcategories with their products as well.

Could anyone please tell me what I am missing?



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When you associate product with Home category, it appears in featured products module as you discovered.

So you can set what products are shown on home page.

Read all about categories here: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Managing+Categories


Thank you very much for your prompt reply!

The only problem that bothers me when I associate products to both home category and specific category is the fact that the SEO friendly url of that product will contain "home" rather than "category_name" in it's structure. Is there any workaround for this?

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Thank you very much for your prompt reply!

The only problem that bothers me when I associate products to both home category and specific category is the fact that the SEO friendly url of that product will contain "home" rather than "category_name" in it's structure. Is there any workaround for this?


The friendly URL is based on the default/primary category of your product. It sounds like you set Home as the default category of your products. You can correct this in the Associations tab of each product.


TIP: If you are using CSV import to create your products, you can use a multi-value for the Category field. The default category will be the first of the values. For example:



0;97122;DEMO-1;"Demo Product no.1";215,2;580;3.50;http://www.mysite.com/DEMO-1.jpg


This CSV will create the DEMO-1 product and associate it with 2 categories: the one with ID 215 and the one with ID 2 (in my PS installation, this is the Home category), but the default category would be the first one.

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