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Return of goods/email template

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Hello, after tesing in my PS return of goods from side of customer I see that there are two strange things.


1.After generating credit note for customer that goods was returned and money will be returned back to him, customer receives email with strange subject telling that new voucher has been created which is very confusing cause I did´t create any. I chose only to refund client money and marked create credit note, not voucher. This subject cannot be even modified in administration cause I see that is tells me:Žádný předmět pro refund nebyl nalezen, nebo předmět je vytvořen v databázi. (english:No any subject for refund was found, or subject is created in databese). Any idea where to correctly modify this subject?


2.When I change status in returned goods e.g. from waiting for confirmation to anything else, then customer receives email that is ok but the last this is this - Obsah zprávy: {message}   (in english it would be - Content of message: {message} ) - there is something wrong righ? I didn´t find any field for putting any message to costomer in this change of status. So what is the meaning or sense of this?


Thank you guys.

Edited by domorodecmezilidmi (see edit history)
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