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User registration where user can select Privat or company

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HI there


When a user creates a customer account  how do I do the following?


User can choose to be a private customer or a company customer by selecting a radiobutton


When Private customer:


Firma information is hidden



When company customer:


Firma information is visible

VAT number is mandatory


Any ideas to where I can configure this?

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I  am unaware of native PrestaShop config you require, and would require 'probably' minimal custom code.  


If you are not comfortable with this sort of change you can post in 'job offers', that is my recommendation moving forward.


also, it's difficult to run 'single'  shop for multiple customer types...you should consider using multishop with one shop private another company and/or public.


this way you can customize 'slightly' each of your customer groups at domain level, group level in one shop is, well difficult if not impossible.

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