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New admin BO menu shows blank white page?

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I have created a new menu item in the admin BO control panel.  I then created a controller to connect to that.  The menu item is finding the controller ok, but no matter what code I put into the controller, I am getting a white blank page.  I am trying to set up a new page in admin that renders my own custom code that is totally unrelated to PS.  So I do not need to load any special PS functions other than the basic required default stuff (header, footer, and sidebar menu).  This page is merely for information purposes and should render HTML code.


I have done this successfully in 1.4.x versions, but not in the latest version which I am trying to implement this on.


Any suggestions?  Thanks!

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I turned on error reporting and was able to answer my last question. I did need a class file.  However, I now have these errors.


Identifier or table format not valid for class AdminMulesA
at line 194 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

189. 		if ($this->isMultishop() && !$this->id_shop)
190. 			$this->id_shop = Context::getContext()->shop->id;
192. 	 	if (!Validate::isTableOrIdentifier($this->def['primary']) || !Validate::isTableOrIdentifier($this->def['table']))
193. 			throw new PrestaShopException('Identifier or table format not valid for class '.get_class($this));
195. 		if ($id)
196. 		{
197. 			// Load object from database if object id is present
198. 			$cache_id = 'objectmodel_'.$this->def['classname'].'_'.(int)$id.'_'.(int)$this->id_shop.'_'.(int)$id_lang;

ObjectModelCore->__construct - [line 135 - classes/controller/Controller.php] - [2 Arguments]
ControllerCore::getController - [line 366 - classes/Dispatcher.php] - [1 Arguments]
DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 54 - admin/index.php]
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