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Bulk email through phpmyadmin reset in Prestashop 1.6

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H, when I imported our accounts from Joomla, I couldn't bring in the passwords. No I want to change all the passwords at once through PHPmyAdmin.


But I only want to change those up to customer 53553 because after that are new customer who have correctly set their passwords.


I wrote the line:


UPDATE `mydatabase`.`customers` SET `passwd` = MD5(’cookie-key+password’) WHERE `customers`.`id_customer` <= 53553;


But I guess my knowledge of mySQL isn't good enough because that line just returns: "0 rows affected".


Anyone know the correct syntax?

Edited by Andrew Watson (see edit history)
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Boom. Turns out my code was spot on. It's just that if you accidentally run it twice, then it doesn't update the fields because they are already set with the desired string.


UPDATE `mydatabase`.`customers` SET `passwd` = MD5(’cookie-key+password’) WHERE `customers`.`id_customer` <= 53553;

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