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combination quantity seting

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I am a dude in using prestashop and i have some problem want to ask for.

Hope you can read it.


I am planning to make my prestashop to sell contact lenses online,

For contact Lenses, i need two combination each to provide the choice of the left eye and the right eye.

The question is that they are sharing the same product quantity in stock but it come with a different combination in prestashop.

Do there any method to share their quantity in the combination setting?


Also, there are so many product from me and they are using the same combination but they may have different quantity in stock. Do i need to set the combination one by one or there are other method to set it? Because i saw that the csv file but the quantity look fixed for all the products using its combination


Thank you very much.=)

Hope i can found the solution from other prestashop user=)

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