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[Solved]Is this code correct? modifying background color

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Hi guys, just a quick question. I need to modify background color of text header in one page checkout. I have found that this change needs to be done in file order-opc-new-account.tpl


I have found this lane and put there red code but I don´t see any change. What I do wrongly?


<p class="title_block" style="background-color: yellow">{l s='Instant Checkout'}</p>


See screen.




Edited by domorodecmezilidmi (see edit history)
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Aha, thank you. But still the same. Look, I have copied bigger part of this file:


<form action="{$link->getPageLink('authentication', true)|escape:'html'}" method="post" id="new_account_form" class="std box form-horizontal" autocomplete="on" autofill="on">
            <div class="box">
                <h3 id="new_account_title" class="page-subheading">{l s='New Customer'}</h3>
                <div id="opc_account_choice" class="clearfix">
                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
                        <p style="background:yellow; display:block;">{l s='Instant Checkout'}</p>
                        <p class="opc-button">
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default button button-medium exclusive" id="opc_guestCheckout"><span>{l s='Guest checkout'}</span></button>
                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
                        <p class="title_block">{l s='Create your account today and enjoy:'}</p>
                        <ul class="bullet list-unstyled">

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your css files are minified, preferences > performance

there is an option to clear shop cache and recompile theme

in cases like that it's necessary to recompile template.


on the same page you will see options to minify (CCC for js and css files) css and js files. your shop uses these options.

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Ok but I have mode of my eshop under construction cause I am still working slowly on some things to do. So recompilation is permanently turned on, cache is turned off. But I will check other settings you advise me later on today. You are probably right but I need to check it at home. Anyway thank you much. Was sure that you will not reply anymore  :unsure: .

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I have got it. So I turned off all caches cause there is not only one but few settings for cache and also Css turned off. Then I put simply - background-color:yellow; to file in mytemplate\css\global.css to line for #new_account_form h3 and it works.


So now I really see the original path of each files when all these caches and memmories are turned off.

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