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Slow back office

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I am curious if there is a debug tool that I can use to find out exactly why my back office is so slow. There has to be something the admin part of the store tries to do but can't, and therefore becomes stuck in a loop of sorts. 


Example: When I make a new product, and I want to save it before I add combinations (because PS won't allow you to make them without saving first), it takes the admin a whole minute to save before allowing me to continue. 


Same with loading most other screens, but they are a tiny bit faster.


Also, average response time in the front end of the store is a measly 5 seconds, which also makes me lose customers. I have come to the conclusion that as for the front end, I am optimizing the images in an attempt to make it faster, but all in all I think it will save a second or so. 


But anyway, is there something I can do to find out why the admin is so painfully slow? I know it wasnt built for speed, but come on... 

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Hi, PrestaShop has a little feature to allow you to profile a page build and display.


note: when use, all bo/fo visitors will generate this report, so get information and set back  to false




find this line and set to true, then visit slow page(s) scroll down, collect info for analysis.

define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', false);
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