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Directing link into a cms page


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This is a strange question for all you Prestashop mavens out there, although I suspect that others might want to do this as well.


Is is possible to invoke Prestashop and a particular CMS page from an external link?


Here's what I want to do.  Hopefully, someone will know how to do it.


I have a CMS page that lists the patents for my device.  I invoke it through a top horizontal bar menu item.  I also want to invoke this same page though a link.


My shop is hangatablet.com


I would like to invoke the patents CMS page through the link: hangatablet.com/patents


Is this even possible to do?  Obviously, I can have a separate html page for the link, and have Prestashop through the top menu bar invoke the CMS page, but it would be really nice if I could get away with only one page, not two.  It would also be really really nice if I could invoke the CMS patents Prestashop page through the above link within the context of Prestashop (that is, bring up my shop and go directly to the CMS patents page).


Is there any way to do this?




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You can put the link to CMS page with this code:

<a href="{$link->getCMSLink('[spam-filter]CMS_page_id[spam-filter]', '[spam-filter]CMS_page_name[spam-filter]')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='[spam-filter]CMS_full_name[spam-filter]' mod='[spam-filter]Module_name[spam-filter]'}">{l s='[spam-filter]CMS_full_name[spam-filter]' mod='[spam-filter]Module_name[spam-filter]'}</a>

For example with the Legal Notice CMS page we have:

<a href="{$link->getCMSLink('2', 'legal-notice')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Legal Notice' mod='modulename'}">{l s='Legal Notice' mod='modulename'}</a>
Edited by titanotam (see edit history)
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Where do I put this in my html document?


That is, the html document (index.html) at location hangatablet.com/patents

You must put this link to the page that redirect to hangatablet.com/patents page. 

For example: in the handgatablet,com you put the upper link somewhere, and when user click on it, it redirects to patens page

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