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Can't edit/add ordered products in an order page


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I am running PS 1.6.09 upgraded from 1.5.


The problem is that after an upgrade I am no longer able to make changes (from BO) to products that have have been ordered. I am aware of order statuses that you once choose you are not allowed to change anything. However, this is not a case.


There are still active buttons like "Edit" or/and "Add product".

Yet when clicked on "Edit" nothing happens, whereas by clicking on "Add product" it sort of gives possibility to enter product name, but nothing happens again.


Any ideas what could be wrong? I tried to turn of cache, flush pagespeed cache also, but nothing helped so far.


Any hint? Thanks in advance!

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I figured out why you cannot add procducts:

it has something to do with the autocomplete jquery js file. The server returns an error because of a wrong token, but this error message is not shown anywhere.


I cant edit products as well, but havent found a solution for this so far.

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