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Hack attempt from contact form


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Hi guys !

I received yesterday more than 150 messages coming from the contact form, which seem to be hack attempts.
All those message came from the fake email "[email protected] " and where sent in 2 minutes (seems fast to me for a human, propably a soft...)

Many where containing some weird injection tentative, like
Message: /./././././././etc/passwd
Message: ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd.htm
Message: /etc/passwd
Message: `cat /etc/passwd`
Message: cat /etc/passwd
Message: ;cat /etc/passwd;
Message: &cat;/etc/passwd&
Message: |cat /etc/passwd


Message: ";printf(md5(acunetix_wvs_security_test));exit;//
Message: ;printf(md5(acunetix_wvs_security_test));exit;//
Message: ';printf(md5(acunetix_wvs_security_test));exit;//
Message: printf(md5(acunetix_wvs_security_test));exit;//

or even stuff like

Set-Cookie: cookiename=cookievalue


Message: [email protected]' and '1'='0
Message: [email protected]" and "1"="0" --
Message: [email protected] and 1=1 --

or URL and file URL

Message: http://testphp.acunetix.com/acunetix_xsl_inclusion_test.xsl
Message: http://testphp.acunetix.com/acunetix_file_inclusion_test?
Message: http://www.acunetix.com

and weird code:
Message: 65536
Message: -1.0
Message: 0x3fffffff
Message: 0x80000000
Message: 0x7fffffff
Message: '
Message: 1acueca2f78aeedcb14049504dd593ef9c82

Well, that's not something I appreciate, but I don't think anything has been succesfully hacked... Is there any security hole in Prestashop I should be aware of ?

Did anyone receive similar messages ? What can I do to be sure nothing has been hacked ?

Thanks for your help !

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Unfortunately that program is very strong and can find out any security holes your application or your server might have. It even gives example of how you can break into the system if it finds something.

Anyway it did much more that you saw in the email -> there it tryed to find problems with the contact form and how to inject code into headers to get the user/passwords from your system

However most likely it didn't succeed. Ask your host to install mod security - this mod blocks automatically any ip that scans the server in the way acunetix does.

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You may want to try this coding:


place that code in your header...apparently this code works on Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 2 & 3. today we are in version 7, so the code need to be tested. I will give it a try later.
source: http://www.security-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=241821&sid=c2097c7607cc2757890e1b2b49bfeb92

u can also read this: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=627447

the other solution is to place a Captcha generator in your contact form.

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