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[Solved] Translate to Bulgarian


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I started to translate PrestaShop to Bulgarian and I find some problems with character encoding. My database is created with character set UTF-8 and collation utf8_general_ci. Any text in cyrillic which goes to IE titlebar is shown as ?? ?? ?? ?? but it is displayed correctly on the page. Take a look at this picture:



I marked with black the cathegory name on the page and with red the page title. How could I solve this problem?


I tried to add

mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");

mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET UTF8");

in MySQL class, function connect but it doesn't help.


I suspect that all files should be saved as utf-8 encoded files instead of ansi. The problem is that saving files using Notepad adds a special characters in the beginning of the file and php header() function fails after that.

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Hi Zhivko !


It was completly our fault, we "un-utf-8-ed" the page title and even transformed it to html special chars before display it ???

Thanks to you for your report. This bug is now fixed and will disappear for the next release ;)

But do not worry about it, your datas are corretly inserted on the database, it is just the display which was wrong :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Zhivko,


All incidents of 'Home'/'Accueil' in the Front Office should be translatable in the Front Office section of the Translations (Back Office >> Tools >> Translations).


When you say 'sitemap', do you mean the Sitemap as seen on the PrestaShop demo here :






If so, that seems to be translatable according to our tests.  If you are referring to a different part of the Front Office, can you post a screenshot please?


Thanks :)


UPDATE: Please export your Bulgarian translation using PrestaShop v0.9.7, otherwise the file will be incomplete.


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Hi Peter,


Yes, it is the same page. I translated most of the sitemap file but I don't find where to translate 'Home'.index.php?action=dlattach;topic=373.0;attach=189;image

I looked at the code in sitemap.php and I see that all categories names are read from database, not from file. The name for category 1 (Home) in ps_category_lang for lang_id = 2 (bulgarian in my database) is 'Accueil' and it is displayed on the sitemap page.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


As we prepare the next release of PrestaShop, we are trying to integrate as many translations as possible into the default solution.


If someone has a Bulgarian translation ready to share, please post it as soon as possible, we would love to include it!


Thank you in advance. :)

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