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Afficher le prix à gauche du bouton "ajouter au panier"

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Je voudrais essayer de mettre le prix à gauche du bouton ajouter au panier sur la fiche produit (je suis sous PS, le problème c'est ces appels sont gréffés sur 2 span différents, et je souhaiterais avoir des conseils sur comment le faire.


Voici le code en question :

<div class="content_prices clearfix">
				<!-- prices -->
				{if $product->show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
				{if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction && $product->specificPrice.reduction > 0}
					<p id="old_price">
					{if $priceDisplay >= 0 && $priceDisplay <= 2}
						{if $productPriceWithoutReduction > $productPrice}
							<span id="old_price_display">{convertPrice price=$productPriceWithoutReduction}</span>							
				<div class="price">
					<p class="our_price_display">
					{if $priceDisplay >= 0 && $priceDisplay <= 2}
						<span id="our_price_display">{convertPrice price=$productPrice}</span>						
					{if $priceDisplay == 2}
						<br />
						<span id="pretaxe_price"><span id="pretaxe_price_display">{convertPrice price=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL)}</span> {l s='tax excl.'}</span>
				{if $packItems|@count && $productPrice < $product->getNoPackPrice()}
					<p class="pack_price">{l s='Instead of'} <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">{convertPrice price=$product->getNoPackPrice()}</span></p>
					<br class="clear" />
				{if $product->ecotax != 0}
					<p class="price-ecotax">{l s='Include'} <span id="ecotax_price_display">{if $priceDisplay == 2}{$ecotax_tax_exc|convertAndFormatPrice}{else}{$ecotax_tax_inc|convertAndFormatPrice}{/if}</span> {l s='For green tax'}
						{if $product->specificPrice AND $product->specificPrice.reduction}
						<br />{l s='(not impacted by the discount)'}
				{if !empty($product->unity) && $product->unit_price_ratio > 0.000000}
					 {math equation="pprice / punit_price"  pprice=$productPrice  punit_price=$product->unit_price_ratio assign=unit_price}
					<p class="unit-price"><span id="unit_price_display">{convertPrice price=$unit_price}</span> {l s='per'} {$product->unity|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</p>
				{*close if for show price*}
				{if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) OR !$product->available_for_order OR (isset($restricted_country_mode) AND $restricted_country_mode) OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE}
					<span class="exclusive">						
						{l s='Add to cart'}
					<p id="add_to_cart" class="buttons_bottom_block">						
						<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="{l s='Add to cart'}" class="exclusive" />
				<div class="clear"></div>

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Merci d'avance

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