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Virtual Products Download

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Prestashop 1.6 I am looking to add virtual products for download in my shop, art etc. I am offering some stuff as free downloads.


I am not being able to get this done :(


I had to in short description use insert link and type Download Here and linked it through filemanager to the image, (although think I could also use a external link to a site). But when click on download, the page loads the image, so I guess the customer would just right click and save it. But I wanted it so that they will actually be downloading it and I will be able to track how many downloads it gets etc.


Anybody knows if is possible to offer free download. If not I guess this little contraction in description will have to work.


N/B I do not know coding or anything about filemanager, htacess root, msql etc.

Edited by Kosmic Edits (see edit history)
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Go to products create new product / Information and near the top, you have 
Virtual products (services, booking, downloadable products, etc.), be sure to activate this.
PS it might be good if you also write what version of PrestaShop you use.
Therefore, it may differ on some points.
Edited by MacRoy (see edit history)
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