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Please help me! How do I add the orignal unit price next to the discount price on the invoice?


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PLEASE can someone help me with this.

I want to have a column "Original Price" next to the "Discount" column in the invoice.tpl.


How can I make this possible?

I tried to look at this http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/128287-display-product-price-with-and-without-tax/ but it wasn't of much help.

Pleeeease can someone help me? I would really really appreciate it!


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There is a new template called "Invoices with discount" in the M4 PDF Extensions module, version 2.1.0.

See example at http://www.presta-addons.com/pdf/Invoices with discount.pdf


Thanks for the feedback. Your module actually looks great! I will definitely look into buying it soon.


For now, do you think you can give me a workaround? I just need to show the original price for testing etc.

Is there some if statement I can use to call the original price?

Thanks again!


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