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SIRET, APE length

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I'd like to change required length of SIRET or APE nr. In Denmark it's called CVR and has 8 fields, so I'd like to change a name of it and be able to enter the nr.


In other hand I'd like to change the sec number to VAT and make it mandatory for other countries :) so it'd be nice to know how to make it without require length or best between 6-15 for example.



Any good person will help? This topic was moved many times on the forum but I didn't find any clear answer.




What I found out until now:



  • Here we can find all of these fields and change their names (also in Translation it should work)
  • There is no file called Siret, however there are files with vat. I just don't know how to edit them.


  • Of course Localization->Countries doesn't work, god knows why, and I need to fix it
  • There is an module to help us with it, but the cost was around 30-35 euros
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SIRET is only available for France. I'm having the same problem for Brazil. As Prestashop is using geolocalization for tax rules, you cannot use SIRET for your purposes. IE(APE) seems to be reserved for Spain, which is also called DNI on translations.


Your field should have a validation ? If yes I cannot help, cause I'm not really a coder. If not you can use field "others = Additional Information" and manipulate it a little bit.

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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