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[Solved] - How do I know what changes are in a module when it is automatically updated?

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  On 10/22/2014 at 7:08 PM, lateral said:

Thanks El Patron


con mucho gusto, I got hacked while in hills of Spain two years ago..twisted my underwear...took me on and off five months to write..maybe in future I release free or something....but now I now if I have 'any' change', and module does not care if prestashop or prestashop wp/drupal/etc. in directory...so I sleep better than most...

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granted, it is good to know what files changed.  however your typical merchant who wants to understand what changed does not (and shouldn't) need to read code to determine what changed (functionally).  The merchant wants to understand functionally what changed so they can make a decision to update the module or not.


The module author (including Prestashop) should just explain in human terms what changed and/or why.  You can see on my website, every module has a change log, and I explain what changed.  I don't provide a link to a github differences, that is meaningless to 90% of merchants.

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  On 10/23/2014 at 5:33 PM, lateral said:

Hi El Patron,


Do you have any documentation on what and how your module works and how to use it?


as stated earlier,  we are not good at product marketing..and actually we have new person that is going to help in that area...now we write prod desc. like programmers..and thought ok it sell if for virus, but it's more than that...this will allow you to track say someone you hired who has ftp..what did they change?...if you visit the product link, there is back office demo...then use the module forum post if you have any questions.



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