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[SOLVED] Different layout (css) for product list

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Hello people,
Maybe I ask too much, but just need to modulate Prestashop for our needful. Is it hard edit layout to show more products in row (about 3-4 or more)? So we need smaller picture and font for short description. Something like on this picture:


I try to look into tpl files and global.css to find solution, but not enough expirience to solve it.
Thanks in advanced.

P.S. I am not sure, maybe this topic belongs to Themes forum. Sorry if I post in wrong section.

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Yes, that can be solution. But maybe it can be better to look like Featured Products on home page (on demo). There are 4 product in row (and maybe decrease picture from back office>preferences>images to 64x64px). Thanks for reply. If anyone have alternate or better solution for this feel free to share with us. :)

This is my global.css:
But still have problem to sorting in one line (like fixed boxes for every product). Look at last product (Earphones - this is from demo). Product is not in same line like others (height depence on length of short text description). Is it possible to every product in row have fixed width and height?


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