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How to stop Google from Indexing Some Pages Along With Page Header Elements?

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Hi All

Not sure how to stop this from happening but here's an example:-

Mysite - Weather Station Photo Frame
Mysite. $. Currency. English (English). contact · sitemap. Welcome, Log in · Cart: productproducts (empty); Your Account ...

It's not happening to all the pages so I'm not sure what's going on.

I have an auto generated Pretashop robots.txt in place and thought the following line would stop this from happening :"Disallow: /header.php"

Anyone else experienced it / fixed it?


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Disallow: /header.php will tell search engine not to crawl that file.
However, that file never gets called on it's own, but rather as a part of the entire page.

I have done a little trick before to hide certain parts from search engines.

You can check the USER_AGENT to detect if it's a search engine or a regular user, set a variable according to that (lets say $_is_search_engine).
Then in your code just add a {if $_is_search_engine}part you wish to hide from search engines{/if}

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Hi tomerg3

Thanks very much for your suggestions.
Apologies for the delay in my reply as this is the first chance I have had to have a look at it.

I'm quite new to this so please excuse me if the following questions seem a bit obvious.
- How do you set up USER_AGENT to check if it is a search engine?
- In which file and whereabouts in the code does the condition get added?


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Add the following lines to init.php anywhere above the smarty assign lines (which are around line #130)

if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'bot') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'baidu') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'spider') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Ask Jeeves') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'slurp') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'crawl') !== false)
   $isSearchEngine = 1;

This checks the USER_AGENT for populat search engine info (you can add more if you want)
You can check to see if $isSearchEngine == 1 in php files if you need.

Then set a smarty variable to use in .tpl files in the smarty assign blocks

'is_search_engine' => $isSearchEngine,

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