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[SOLVED] Disable module from mobile site not working in backoofice

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I'm having problems with the new backoffice option which comes in version 1.6 to disable a module in the mobile site.

This option was working fine until I installed the module shiptopay.


The fact is that this module seems to need the file Hook.php in the folder override/classes/. When I put the file Hook.php (the one that comes with the module of course), then in the mobile site all the modules are displayed, even the ones that are disabled for the mobile site(the changes I've made are lost ...).


So putting the Hook.php file from the shiptoPay module in /override/classes makes the "disable a module in mobile site" option inbackoffice stop working. Any help will be appreciated...


Of course if I delete the file Hook.php from /override/classes then the mobile version looks great (without the modules I don't want to display), but then the module Ship to Pay it's not working and all the payment methods are displayed when buying in the shop. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:








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The module is not made ready for 1.6 yet, only for 1.4 and 1.5, You could try to check with the developer if there's an 1.6 version available.




If not, see changes between default hook.php and their hook.php



Difference 1562_hook_php and shiptopay_hook_php.pdfFetching info...



and maybe try to include these changes into 1.6 hook.php and see if it works then...


Hope this helps,


My 2 cents,




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Hi Pascal, Thanks for your answer,


The fact is that the module is working correctly (I found another topic in this forum and managed to fix it), the option that is not working is the one in the backoffice to hide modules in the mobile version of the site...


This is quite weird cause that stops working when i put the hook.php file in the override folder (override/classes).

This Hooks.php does: class Hook extends HookCore

so it doesn't make sense to me that this override gives problems with that backoffice option. Maybe is not good option to override hook.php in 1.6 now ? I don't get the point, but I'll do a bit more research on my own... I'll take a look at the code... -_- -_- -_-

Maybe someone can provide more useful information... :( :(

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Well, the problem is that the module has a hook.php that hasn't been adapted for 1.6 yet. If you see the differences in the attached file I gave you, those are the changes that 1.5 DEFAULT has with the module hook.php. Here already are some strange things, like the module hook.php hasn't even multi shop functionality in it, although they say it's compatible with 1.5.x. So the multishop option isn't even working/supported in PS 1.5.

But,besides that, there are some additional functions built in, that are module specific (and do probably the things you expected to do, like hiding modules in mobile etc). So to make it work, either you have to wait until the developer makes n 1.6 compatible version, or you have to merge the module-hook.php modifications (which are highlighted in the attached file) into a copy of hook.php of 1.6. Quite some puzzling, though...



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