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No Emails sent to Client


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While testing My Store,


i have come to know that neither after REGISTRATION nor after PAYMENT CONFIRMATION (Bank Wire Transfer) any email has been sent to Client.


I have set condition in

Preferences->Customer->Send an email After Registration YES


Then, Why the Client isn't receiving any Email?

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Maxima, check if you have your email well configured in B.O. > Advanced Parameters > Email. There you can choose between two email methods: php mail() (more used but not very safe) and SMTP mail. If you have configured your mail using php mail() and it is not working, perhaps your ISP is not allowing to use that method. In order to configure SMTP mail, ask your ISP for the parameters to set in order to send emails.


At the page bottom you can test your email to see  if anything is working.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks nutxlago for this reply

I have configured SMTP already and have tested it

I am receiving emails in my provided email address


But, the problem is after registration ang payment confirmation at checkout

Customer is not receiving Registration details or Payment details

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I am unable to figure out why on customer registeration and order completion, customers are not receiving any email, I've checked all configuration for sending emails seems to be working fine



Advanced parameters -> Email -> parameters for SMTP are all ok as I am receiving test emails on all defined email addresses


Parameter -> Customer -> send an email on registration YES


Any Suggestions.... That I am missing

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Check your mailalerts module. Is it enable and configured?


Also check Localization->Translations->Modify Translations and look at the mail templates for the mailaerts module. Do they contain code or not?


Another to check is the payment module configuration. Is it setup correctly.

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Hi prestatent, thanks for your comments


I have installed mail alert module configured it, but from customers point of view it's only taking their email to inform them about availability of products in stock. Right?


I have checked Localizations-> Translation->Modify Translation for templates, at all options, all templates are displaying accurately


I have checked BO-> Orders-> Statuses

It's already enabled to send an email to customer on Awaiting for Bank wire

Moreover the bank wire template here is also rightly enabled


I have checked the payment module, currently I've configured only Bank Wire module it also seems to be all right.


I have tried again to creat a test customer but again no emails received on client's email address



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Hi Maxima


In mail alert module tick "Receive a notification when an order is placed". Also in "email addresses", put your email in here. This will send an email to the administrator when a new order is received.


Another thing to do in BO-> Orders-> Statuses is to tick "Set the order as paid".

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Hi Maxima


Glad to hear it's all working fok.


I think that you have to "set the order as paid", so that the email is sent. I imagine this would also be the case for cheque and COD payments. The reason for this is, I believe, because the payment status is not set to "payment successfull" for these payment types. If you tried a different payment type like "Paypal" or another payment system where the transaction is in real time, then the email would be received instantly. This could maybe be clarified by someone in the Prestashop team.



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Hi prestatent,

I am facing a problem again

I have set my SMTP configuration as provided by my web hosting provider
SMTP server: smtp.mydomain.com
Email: xyz@mydomain.com

But now the problem is
I am receiving emails only in those test client account that are under mydomain

For all other test clients I.e.
I am still receiving no emails in those client accounts
Whereas if I test it in
Advanced Parameters-> E-mail -> test your email configurations

I am receiving test messages in all email accounts whatsoever the domain is....

Any further suggestions....

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Hi Maxima


Go to Advanced Parameters->Email select "Use PHP mail() function. Recommended; works in most cases".


Set "Send Email To" = "Customer Service".


Go to Customers->Contacts. Do you have an email address setup in here that points to "Customer Service". If so, is the address correct?

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Prestatent: I can't use PHP mail() as My website hosting Provider has blocked it.

Moreover, the Email Configuration are already set as you have stated.


Nemo: I can't understand this behaviour, as when i am testing it in

Advanced Parameters -> Email -> Test your Email configuration

I am receivng a test message in all email addresses of whatsoever domains.


Any idea how can i make it work????

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thanks for messaging me with link, I will try to help further, thanks to all before that have provided assistance.


you 'from' shop email address is the 'same' as your domain name, for example. info@yourdomain.com | shop domain yourdomain.com?


also, check form your hosting control panel to see if you have access to mail queue, there you can check to see if stuck in queue.

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My shop url is: www.myDomain.com

And my store url is: store.mydomain.com

And yes I am using an email from my domain as: xyz@mydomain.com


On hosting Control Panel there is an option for "mail traces"


I have tried to check an email trace i.e. Xyz@gmail.com

It displayed the only result that I used for testing (advanced parameters -> E-mail -> Test your email configuration)

But there is no any trace for the attempts that must have made for

Client Registration

Newsletter confirmation


Order Confirmation


I have tried to consult the web hosting providers but they explained there is no issue on their side

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Thanks prestatent, after trying all seemingly possible solution I decided to upgrade my store from version to

But unfortunately the problem still exists.


So anyone with any suggestion...


A bit more explaination

I have set parameters

Advanced preferences -> Emails-> SMTP configurations


I've configured SMTP using Local Server settings


Domain: www.mydomain.com

SMTP server: Mail.myDomain.com,

SMTP username: me@myDomain.com ...


But the problem is

I am receiving emails only in those test client account that are under mydomain

For all other test clients I.e.




I am receiving no emails in those clients email accounts neither from newsletter confirmation nor for registration or order confirmation


And for a conversation between registered customer and store member, I am receiving messages in BO customers-> customer service

As the customer is not receiving email responses

But the conversation replies are available in customer Account on Store


Whereas if I test it in

Advanced Parameters-> E-mail -> test your email configurations

I am receiving test messages in all email accounts whatsoever the domain is....


One more thing, whenever as a client I submit a request/comment using "Contact Us" page

In my administrative accounts (customer service and Webmaster email accounts both on my local domain) I am receiving messages from the following domains: myDomain, gmail, ymail, yahoo, rocketmail and mail only.



It really so weird behaviour.

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Could you post an image of "Advanced Parameters--->Configuration Information"?

Also reset Mail alert modul and I hope you checked the spam folders aswell. Are the emails send from a sub domain?



EDIT: Also what language are you using on the shop? Make sure Mail Templates are translated into that language.

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I have attached Configuration Information.


I have reset the MailAlert Module.


And i've definitly checked spams too, But no emails have received..


Are the emails send from a sub domain???

At administarative level i am using only my local domain emails i.e. info@myDomain.com, me@myDomain.com etc..

At Customer level i have tested different domains i.e. gmail, yahoo, myDomain....

But the messages/emails sent from the store are only received in my local-domain emails @myDomain.com



Store is currently only in English Language


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I have a similar problem.


- From Advanced Parameters -> Email -> I set to Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY).

- I then send an email from "Test your email configuration". 

- This works fine. I received the email.


However, if I tried to send email from Customer Service menu, no email gets sent & received.


- I noticed under Customer Service Options there is IMAP settings. I tried entering IMAP settings but nothing worked.

- I tried Google IMAP settings, my domain's settings.


Why do we have 2 email server settings?


In summary:


- Advanced Parameters -> Email ->  SMTP  - works (but I can't send any emails to customers)

- Customer Service Options -> IMAP - doesn't work for me


Please help me.


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