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Product in Cart Sold to Another Customer During Checkout


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Honestly, I can't figure out a way to search for this issue. I found one unanswered instance so I am starting this thread. I can't wrap my head around this. For the first time in 6 years of using Prestashop something totally new happened.


A customer registered, shopped for a few items (I had 3 left), had them in the cart and browsed a few more minutes before checking out, and during that time someone else bought those 3 items. Once the first customer went to checkout, there was no more inventory of that item. She was very upset to put it mildly.


I didn't know Prestashop didn't put a hold on an item for 10, 20, or even 30 minutes. As my shop gains popularity I am very worried this won't be the last time. Did I miss a setting or something? If people keep getting out-bought during sessions I am going to lose customers. Has someone else dealt with this? If so, how did you fix it? 


Thanks, I would appreciate anything at this point because I am coming up completely empty handed.

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I have also faced the same issue, i have opened a thread but no answers:




As per my research, prestashop doesnt hold the product untill they complete the ordering process. However, it gives a message stating order is "out of stock" if they refresh page.

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PS developers do not read these forums, so hoping they will fix something that they do not know about, is futile.


If you want PS to actually do something about the issue, you need to open a bug/feature request.  Provide means to reproduce the issue, perhaps suggest a solution to correct it, and perhaps they will look into it.


Alternatively work with a freelancer, or implement a solution yourself, and then submit your changes to github so they can be merged into a future release of the software.

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Thanks Bellini, I was hoping this was something that I either had setup wrong or a known issue. I realize that the developers don't come here by the amount of unanswered threads over the years. A guy can wish, can't he?


As for the other routes, maybe in the future. I honestly don't know if I will stay with Prestashop or not. I have found a lot of luck with Magento recently and I may change carts after the new year. Again, thanks for your input.

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