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Imported products not there but they are

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I import 2270 products this morning and they are there according to the home page for my back office but they are not appearing in the category or subcategory section. I did do a search for christmas and two products showed up, I added one to the holiday subcategory and now it is coming up in the back office. Also when you view my website www.peanutandbuddy.com/store all the products show up in the New Products module but I get a "hack attempt" when I click on it. Please help!


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I had the same problem when i tried to import products using the csv importer.

Tried to import 250 products, only 5 actually imported, even though it said the import was sucessful, and these 5 don't show in the backend at all, and in the frontend they only show in searchs and new products.

The only way i am going to be able to delete them is by deleting that part of the sql database and uploading a fresh copy. But as I also have manually added products, which I would loose, I don't want to go down this route.

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To solve this issue I would need access to both your FTP/Backoffice & MYSQL
(Please anyone with this issue PM these details)
Also provide me with some information for the products you have imported so I can check against them in th DB

Briefly this issue seems to occur when one of fields in the DB requires a value therefore when there is no value the hack attempt displays. First I would need to check if your products have actually updated the DB then hopefully I will be able to resolve this issue for you ;-)

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