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Can i make attributes relational to each other?

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Hi there, im relatively new to PrestaShop so please forgive me for my ignorance, i have read through documentation thoroughly before coming here and I know how to solve my issue already but i thought i would ask if anyone knows about this situation i have adding a product.


I have a product a door handle, like a long pull style handle, that comes in diff lengths, in fact 20 diff. lengths and with each length comes a different drill hole offset measurement,   so i guess, Length Overall, is def an attribute for this product, and the hole offset, sorta is too, but i dont want people to make combinations of these attributes i want them to select 1 and the other follow, do you know what i mean, otherwise theyll just receive the error, combination doesnt exist.


So i thought an instant solution would be to make the products attribute name Drill CC 123 OL 1234,


instead of 2 seperate attributes? yeh? i mean its 1 variation that brings a change in 2 features, and i guess, features rnt variable so ill call them attributes u know what i mean?


Kind like, say its TV Sets, and you have Diff size TV Sets so one of the Specs, or variable Attribs is Width, and another Screen Size, however u cant select a 1 foot wide tv with a 4 foot screen, does that make more sence, so what do you do? Do u make an attribute called Width 1foot - Screen 4foot,


or, as i say, is there some one to make the attributes of 1 product relational?


Thanks in advance for your input!

Edited by ibanez0r (see edit history)
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