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PS code to tpl for: Product ID, Category ID, Brand, Product Quantities,..


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Hi, please in prestashop we need know code for:

{Price of Product}
{Category Name}
{Category ID}
{Related Product-IDs}
{Product Quantities}

{Sale Amount}


This we need know because in this time we implement into our store new affiliate system and we need in affiliate script write these parametres.
For example we have affiliate script what is must write in product.tpl but in this script is place for write code for product id, category id, brand etc).

And therefore we need to know what code is for these items (Product-ID, Product Quantities, Order-ID...).


For last two (what are green) we know what we need write into code.
{Order-ID} ---> {$id_order}
{Sale Amount} ---> {$order->total_products}

But on first eight not (red), is here someone who know code for this please?


Thanks for help

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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