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Upgrade from to 1.6 and theme...

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I have ps working fine with a theme that I bought from prestashop addons. I have downloaded  the theme file update to 1.6 version.


I read about update the backend to 1.6 and it seems easy but my question is about the theme. How can I preserve my settings of the theme when upgrading. How do I do it?


Is there any manual for that?


Thanks in advance for the help.

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Well there is no manual. Actually, as the theme is not the default one it *should* be left untouched. Just be aware that it might be using deprecated methods and something might break. My advice is to ask the developer first, so that you know if it's been tested on 1.6 already :)

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the problem, and my understanding is that while one can upgrade prestashop, there is no 'upgrade template'.  so you would need to install the upgraded 1.6 template as new.  (might be possible to using test shop, to upload the 1.6 template into the existing template folder.)


create a test shop (working copy of production) and then you can test compatibility of existing theme, what will happen when you install upgraded theme and tasks to recreate your existing front office content.


but creating that test shop, will help you answer many questions on how to proceed.

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I've tried the test installation upgrade 1.6. Upgrade went fine.

As soon as I login into back end I noticed that the theme resumed back to the default prestashop one and my theme was there as an option.


Before activating my old theme I uploaded the new version of my template 1.6 compatible from addons....but unfortunately as soon as I opened my website, the original structure image its all gone and braked.


I suppose I need to make all that small adjustments....but I will contact support of my theme....


Thanks for your help.

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yes, it seems a great 'leap' for upgrade to reactivate the default theme.  I do not know now of option that says, don't do that.


this is a horrible mess when one wants to simply upgrade 1606 to 1609 for example.


(just posting basically to state I hear your pain)

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