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Empty product image list in backoffice

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Hello everybody,


Since yesterday i'm doing my internship in a company as a web developper, they hired me because after upgrading from 1.x to 1.6. a lot of image disappear'd (? instead of the real image). There is still a lot of image available, but when I try to access the image of one product, I can see the number of images ("Images [4]") but the list is empty.


Can someone help me please ? Do not hesitate to ask if you need more data to help me solve the problem.

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Hi Grumpy,


Do you have a link to the site? If not for public eyes, please Pers. Message me. Maybe that helps to clear things up.


Normally ? shows up when the paths to the images are not found, so probably during upgrade, some 'misplacement' has been done. When looking at the 'expected' path (right click on the ? and "inspect element" (use Chrome or firebug add-on on firefox) you see where it expects the image. Then try to locate the image file on the server that belongs to it. See if you see a pattern and try to move all images to the correct physical drive location(s).


Hope this helps. If you send me a link, I can help to find out.


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