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customizing product page

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I installed a prestashop site and i need some customization. I have default theme and default module.So, I want to do the following things :-


1) I have the default "product comments" module and i added a text field on the product customization area while adding the product . But I want to display the text field on upper and show the "review" part on lower part of the product page . Right now, the "review" part is upper and "customization text field" is in "lower" part of the product page


2) I want to change the text "Grade" to "Rating" on the review part of product page


3) while writing a review, the title part shows "required" . I want to make it optional or remove it


4) I want to remove "title" and "data" string on the review part of product page.I do not want to show it.





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thanks for your reply, i already made the changes but am facing a problem in customizing another thing. i want to show 4-5 featured product in product page . i'm using the default module "feature product on home page" . but this shows products only on home page. i want to show them in product page.


i use the latest version 1.6


plz help me

Edited by myecommerce (see edit history)
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  On 10/12/2014 at 5:58 AM, myecommerce said:

thanks for your reply, i already made the changes but am facing a problem in customizing another thing. i want to show 4-5 featured product in product page . i'm using the default module "feature product on home page" . but this shows products only on home page. i want to show them in product page.


i use the latest version 1.6


plz help me


How did you change "grade" to "rating"? I edited productcomments.tpl from

<div class="comment_author">
					<span>{l s='Grade' mod='productcomments'}&nbsp</span>


<div class="comment_author">
					<span>{l s='Rating' mod='productcomments'}&nbsp</span>

But no changes on the front end.

Thank you.

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