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Featured Products Block Product Title Size

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I see you have copies of featured products on your site. Do you want them all to have a different font size from the other title blocks?


If so, add:   



    font-size: 20px;    // change 20px as needed.

hope this helps,


Hi. It didn't work I mean the title of the products not the header title of the block.



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Hi Nick,


sorry misunderstood. Try this:


add to global.css:

#featured-products_block_center .s_title_block a, 

#featured-products_block_center .s_title_block  a:active,

#featured-products_block_center .s_title_block a:visited


    font-size:10px; // change 10px as desired




If you want to make the size much bigger, it will overlap with the 'Shop now' text below it.

To fix that, go to your module/homefeaturedXX/homefeatured.css files (line 10)


and change the height:

#featured-products_block_center .s_title_block, #featured-products_block_center h5 {

padding-top: 5px;

margin-bottom: 1px;

height: 30px;  // change this to 40px or so

font-size: 12px;

color: #222;

padding-bottom: 0;

font-weight: bold;



After doing this, you'll see that the border around the featured products blocks is too small (not high enough). To fix that, we need to change something in the homefeatured.php files (I hope)


There's a ling that says something like: <ul style="height:255px;"> or so (search for 255)


Then change that to a bigger value, like 275px; or so.

Do this for all home featured modules (As you/your developer just copied the whole module, all css code is also for that block only, I expect, OR it uses the one of the last block only, as it may override the ones of the modules above. Give it a try)



Hope this does the trick.


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