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PS 1.6 Catalog Mode w/Prices and Unit Descriptions

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Hey everyone, currently working in PS 1.6 and just about finished up with getting my theme dialed in. I am onto the last bit of configuring the product page for the customers and ran into an issue I am hoping can be solved. The website I am working on will be strictly a catalog website with NO orders or cart functions allowed. With this, catalog mode is not allowing the item price and unit price per quantity to display.


I have tried to keep it in catalog mode and go into the individual product pages and enable "Show Price" and disabling "Available for order" under the product description, but no changes have been seen. I have also been working in the "product.tpl" file with adjusting a few things and have tried to code it so that when in catalog mode the items still show up, but I have been unsuccessful. The two sections I am trying to enable are <div class= "price"> and <p class="unit-price"> with catalog mode enabled. I do not want to have the "Quantity", "Add to cart", "Product payments logos" on there when catalog mode is enabled, if that makes sense.


Here is what I am dealing with when catalog mode is OFF and PS is running as normal. The top section is what I would like to have enabled with catalog mode ON.




This is what it looks like when catalog mode is enabled.




Thank you in advance for any and all help everyone. Once I get this taken care of there is not much more to do. Thanks!



Edited by JDub1337 (see edit history)
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