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Finally solved GoDaddy & mail problem!

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I am a newbie at PrestaShop but after using A LOT of other carts I have to say I really love it!

However, I was just about to give up on it after having a lot of problems with the mail not being delivered using GoDaddy for hosting.

I don't know how other GoDaddy users solved it but by doing a few steps I finally managed.

First, check your PHP info on GoDaddy. Turns out that mine had "me@localhost" for "sendmail_from". Just change that in php5.ini (make sure the file is named "php5.ini" and NOT "php.ini!")

Second, in the contact-form.tpl file I changed the form action from <form action="{$request_uri|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" method="post" to <form action="/webformmailer.php" method="post"

Since I am not a php programmer I am sure there are better ways to do it, but it worked for me.

Looking forward to make a really nice site with a really nice cart software now when I got it to work properly! :)

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