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Adjusting HTML in Global.CSS file

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Hello Everyone,




Using for about a month

Skill Level - I would say talented.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6


I'm very new at this, but I do have some knowledge of writing language.  I'm currently moving my modules around using a file called global.css. I'm finding the fonts, Padding, Width's, Height's, etc., and adjusting them.  After I "Put" using Dreamweaver, I refresh my page to find out if the new position will suffice.  I've successfully moved my Login (Lock), Logo, and Cart, and the About Us section at the top, but I cannot find the catagory's section, right under my logo (Manufacturing, Quality Control, Sales, etc.) to adjust in any way.  I suspect that it's in another .CSS File, but I'm too inexperienced to know for sure.


This may not be a good way to adjust my website outside of Prestashop, but it's all that I know for now.  Can anyone share their experience with me, and advise me of a better, faster, easier way to do this?  Not only is it frustrating, but it's very time consuming.


If you go to my sire, bring your mouse arrow just under the "C" in "Welcome", and there will be a link to my page.  Right now it's a coming soon page, but there is access if you click just under the "C".


Any help would be MUCH appreciated.  Thanks for your time.



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