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Change Categories Text

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Hi, I am new to Prestashop. I have a problem with the text color.


In 1.jpg, i have a category called '100% Silk Tie'.

In 2.Jpg, the title of the category does not appear.

I realized, the text is actually there, but the color of the text is same as the background, which is white.


My ques is if there is any way i can modify the text color of the title? The text color of description can be modified in the panel itself. I really wish if there is any remote possibility that this can be done without editing any code in the css global file, because I have zero knowledge in coding. However, if that is the only way, I would have no choice but to attempt it.







Thanks in advance for anyone that can share and lend a help.

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It can be done through global.css or category.css


Can you provide store url & front end category image where you wish to make changes. So that will suggest.

Hi, thanks for your help. I hope i can give you the url, but I am still developing in my localhost. The site is still not live yet

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