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White screen and only 1 row imported while importing CSV file

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I'm pretty new to all this, but I can't figure out what I did wrong here.


I'm trying to import a CSV file, but after everything is set and I hit the import button my browser screen goes after 1 second to a blank page and stops running. 


When I look what it has imported it's always only one row. Even for the example csv files from Prestashop itself.



Can somebody help me out here?


Attached file is my CSV file.

You can check my php info at www.mobilemania.be/info.php (will be deleted when problem is solved).

I'm running the latest version of prestashop (






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From looking at your file is seems you are trying to import a few thousand products at once. What happens if you try to import just a couple of products? do you still get the blank page?


First of all test with a couple of products, to see if you can recreate the issue If they import fine then it is probably due to a timeout of the maximum execution time.


Also you should turn on error reporting as this will also give you an indication of where the problem lies.


Hope this helps.

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