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Updating Purchase/Wholesale Prices in 4 different Spots in the Backoffice?

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I'm just wondering how it's done if you have changing purchase/wholesale prices with every delivery you get in. The purchase/wholesale price can be entered on different spots in the backoffice:


  • Products >> Prices >> Pre-tax wholesale price
  • Products >> Combinations >> [choose combination] >> Wholesale price
  • Products >> Suppliers >> Product Reference(s) >> Unit price tax excluded
  • Stock >> Stock Management >> [choose product] >> Add Stock >> Unit price (tax excl.)


So how is one supposed to handle this? Change prices in all 4 spots for every item on each delivery you get? That seems to be quite unpractical.

Edited by Master One (see edit history)
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Thanks for the input, @Paulito, I rarely get any replies to my inquiries here.


No supplier feed or cron here.


This is also not about bulk updating of prices, but having to update one and the same price (purchase/wholesale price) in up to 4 different spots in the backoffice, which I think the mentioned to pay for module also does not solve (and I really don't want to purchase a module for such a task).


I really like to know how others handle that matter, especially when using the advanced stock management.

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Hi. I have a similar problem. In my shop I am using advanced stock management, and I insert purchase prices every time I upload a new quantity available in the warehouse. (This is a wonderful useful function, because purchase prices are different every time!!!). The problem is that Prestashop doesn't "read" the purchase prices of all articles, so if we receive an order of 100 euros, all statistics modules (I tried lots of them!!) says we have a 100 euros gain. It may be wonderful, but we buy the products, so the purchase price must be subtracted from the sold total.
Do you have any suggest, please?

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  • 7 months later...

Does anybody have an update on this? 


It seems silly to update the price in different places. Also when the purchase prices are different the stock management knows it but nowhere else is the information available...

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  • 1 month later...

Hi. I have a similar problem. In my shop I am using advanced stock management, and I insert purchase prices every time I upload a new quantity available in the warehouse. (This is a wonderful useful function, because purchase prices are different every time!!!). The problem is that Prestashop doesn't "read" the purchase prices of all articles, so if we receive an order of 100 euros, all statistics modules (I tried lots of them!!) says we have a 100 euros gain. It may be wonderful, but we buy the products, so the purchase price must be subtracted from the sold total.

Do you have any suggest, please?





I have the same problem!

Edited by Krokodil4o (see edit history)
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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I need to use prestashop, and I study the prices calculations.


How do you work with prices?

Pre-tax wholesale price and retail price calculation?


Where I am able to see all product prices, and latest supply order wholsale price?



With Supply order, I can add product with a new  wholesale price.

I see the stock value is calculated correctly. With new wholesale price


But somehow I need to see for a product, all stock wholesale prices and stock status.


Is there a module for working better with prices stocks?




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  • 4 weeks later...

I too am interested in any tricks / mods for working with advanced stock - having a difficult time getting things working correctly, and even if it were working correctly finding the mix of updating wholesale / unit price unwieldy...

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  • 9 months later...



it's clear we cannot change wholesale prices in 4 different places with each new supplier order:


1- Products >> Prices >> Pre-tax wholesale price

2- Products >> Combinations >> [choose combination] >> Wholesale price

3- Products >> Suppliers >> Product Reference(s) >> Unit price tax excluded

4- Stock >> Stock Management >> [choose product] >> Add Stock >> Unit price (tax excl.)


We finally end modifying in just only place 4.


But, we have verified the dashboard stat "net profit" , the most important one, takes the column "purchase_supplier_price" from the "ps_order_detail" table. The column number equals to the default supplier price in place 3 if exist, and if not equals to wholesale price in place 1.

We think this "net profit" stat should take "purchase_supplier_price" from "price_te" in "ps_stock" table which is equal to stock valuation (according to valuation method chosen for the warehouse).


So, we can act in two ways:

- Modify the code for "net profit" stat to use price_te as purchase_supplier_price


- Enable a cronjob which copies the price_te from ps_stock table to wholesale_price in ps_product for each product


Any advice?



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