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Sizes dropdown menu with dynamic additional cost


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I am building an international store that will charge shipping per product. In some cases, small will cost less than medium, medium less than large etc.


What is the most efficient way to add extra shipping cost per product/size? This is how I do it now:


1. Add product

2. Generate combinations (S, M, L, XL)

3. Manually insert impact on price for S, M, L, XL


This works fine, EXCEPT that I need generate new combinations EVERY time there is a different shipping price. Also, this system only works for one currency as the text in the dropdown menu is not dynamic.




Is there a way to make IMPACT ON PRICE dynamic in the drop down menu so the customer automatically sees the added cost for S, M, L and XL that I have inserted into the system?


For example, I have S, M, L, XL combinations that say:
Small (+$xx shipping)

Medium (+$xx shipping)

Large (+$xx shipping)

X-Large (+$xx shipping)


When I insert impact on price, then XX updates without me having to generate different combinations.


Also, for Euro site it would be like this:


Small (+€xx shipping)

Medium (+€xx shipping)

Large (+€xx shipping)

X-Large (+€xx shipping)


xx is the equivalent euro sum after converting from main currency, USD.


It will be way too time consuming to 1) add products 2) impact on price for each size 3) add combinations for each size and language/currency


Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance :)


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I "solved" this by making tons of combinations with different extra costs. For example:


Small +$10, Small +$12

Medium +$10, Medium +$12 etc.

Then manually inserting the added shipping price for each combination.


Insane hassle for what should be a simple fix.


The worst thing is that this gives me trouble for example in the category sidebar when customer can sort by sizes. Instead of just having four combinations for S,M,L and XL, there are now dozens of combinations of each with different prices. Dont know how to avoid that for now.

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