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Where has my Back End Database backup option gone?

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Hi Guys


I wanted to set up an automatic Prestashop Cron job to do my back and went int the Back End (Advanced.DB Backup) and deleted all of the really old backups sets.


I then noticed that there is no longer an option to actually perform a backup!


What happened?


I have attached a screen shot.




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Hi Nemo


Yep, it is weird.


Here is the AdminBackupController file that was in the controllers/admin folder....I need some time to find a backup version to restore...does this one look ok?


The date stamp is 25/09/2014.

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Yes, that's what I meant :) Inspect the html of that page, see if you have this

		<div class="alert alert-warning">
			<button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button>
			<h4>{l s='Disclaimer before creating a new backup'}</h4>
				<li>{l s='PrestaShop is not responsible for your database, its backups and/or recovery.'}</li>
				<li>{l s='PrestaShop is open-source software. You are using it at your own risk under the license agreement.'}</li>
				<li>{l s='You should back up your data on a regular basis (both files and database).'}</li>
				<li>{l s='This function only backs up your database, not your files.'}</li>
				<li>{l s='By default, your existing database tables will be dropped during the backup recovery (see "Backup options" below).'}</li>
				<li>{l s='Always verify the quality and integrity of your backup files!'}</li>
				<li>{l s='Always verify that your backup files are complete, up-to-date and valid, even if you had a success message appear during the backup process.'}</li>
				<li>{l s='Always check your data.'}</li>
				<li>{l s='Never restore a backup on a live site.'}</li>
			<form action="{$currentIndex|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&add{$table}&token={$token|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="post" class="form-horizontal">
				<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
					<i class="icon-save"></i> 
					{l s='I have read the disclaimer. Please create a new backup.'}

If not, try replacing admin_folder\themes\default\template\controllers\backup\helpers\list]list_header.tpl

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Hi guys


I looked the source of the page and it does not have the "code" that Nemo says it should. I looked at another Prestshop site I have and it does. I also checked the permissions and they are all set correctly. I also, unticked, re-ticked and saved them again anyway and even created a new user but the same problem remained.


As this issue seemed to start directly after I deleted all of the backups, i decided to FTP a few old backups across from the "other" site to the site having the issue. Unfortunately, even though I could see the backups, the extra code (Disclaimer etc) was not displayed.


Ho wis this page "created"? is there a "fixed" file somewhere that has somehow become corrupted or is this page dynamically created based upon some parameters?

Edited by lateral (see edit history)
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Hi guys


I've just spent a long time searching through folders etc and have discovered the following.


The Admin\themes\default\template\controllers\backup\ folder wasn't there!


I have absolutely no idea why apart from the fact that I did not delete it.....


I have restored a complete copy of the Backup folder from the original Prestashop 1/6/0/9 installation and it is now working fine.


We can now mark this as closed....I would still like to figure out what happened but I think this is going to be one of those unsolved mysteries....


Thanks for all of your help....

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