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Using version

I am trying to increase the product image sizes for bicycles at www.v3tri.com.

Is there an image size restriction?


This is what I have done:

I would like the images to be 1800 x 1000.  I resized my bicycle images to this size in PS and optimized for web.


Next I went to back office and chose Preference > Images > Add New > created a selection for 1800 x 1000 and checked the products selection> regenerate thumbs


Next, went to Catalog > Products


Chose a product


Edit>Images> uploaded images from machine that are 1800 x 1000 > information> went to bottom of page to "do you want an image associated ....." click here > position of image>left> selected 1800x1000 option> save.


I then went to the front and viewed the product after clearing cache and refreshing.


When I click on the product it is far smaller than 1800x1000.  When I right click on the enlarged image and select properties the image is 857 x 476


My question is why isn't the image showing at the full size?

How can I get it to show at the full size as created under preferences>images?


I know I will have to change all of the other image sizes since the smaller sizes will look out of proportion.


Help greatly appreciated.  I found others who had similar problems but in old threads and versions.

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