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how to embed a videoclip for each products?

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You can quite easily get the html code from youtube for the video and put it in the long product description box.
I've done this and it works quite well for DVD products (shows the preview from youtube) but the only thing that doesn't work so well is the thickbox to view a larger product image wont darken the youtube video down in the background.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the Back Office, click on the 'Catalog' tab, then go in to edit one of your products.
The full description box is towards the bottom of teh page in the product editor.

You can then simply use the text editing options to insert flash and then copy and paste your video link from Youtube.
Look for the embed link in youtube and copy and paste the code into your product description.
You can also customise the video dimensions, I modified the width to fit my centre column nicely and then adjusted the height accordingly to maintain the aspect ration of the embedded video.

I guess you could do the same process for you own videos assuming they are flash based, but you can also enter html code in the product description..

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi please help
i need some info
here is my web site as you can see there is the same video on each product page
i would like to insert a flash animation for each pages
how could i insert my video NOT in the description box as u said but at the top of my product page as i did
thanks for help

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