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Add PDF to options for Customization + Move Customization

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Two separate questions both related to Customization.


1) I need the ability to have people upload PDFs in the customization which on PrestaShop is limited to JPG, GIF, and PNG. I've searched for solutions and I've found several but they are for older versions of PrestaShop, abandoned modules, or I just can't get them to work.


Some direction on how to do this would be appreciated. I found this http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/327473-enable-pdf-upload-in-product-customization/ which is supposed to work for but I can't get it to work with so I assume some changes have broken it.


I found three paid modules that will allow this but only one offered a demo and I didn't like that one. I don't have any confidence in the other two either. I had thought I had found one that I could use and was about to buy it when I realized it is for customer uploads not product customization. I am happy to buy a module but unless it is from a developer I've bought from before I'd really prefer to see it on a demo / live site.




2) Moving the Customization to between product attributes and add to cart. I edited product.tpl and was able to place the file upload where I wanted it but then it stopped working -- pressing save resulted in adding the product to the cart rather than uploading the file. Obviously I'm doing something wrong that is pretty minor. If anyone has any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong I'd be appreciative. 

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