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Question about voucher

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I tried adding a voucher with a negative value and it wouldn't let me save it, so I would say that it is not possible using the Back Office. You could try modifying classes/Cart.php and change lines 628-631 from:

/* Secondly applying all vouchers to the correct amount */
foreach ($discounts AS $discount)
   if ($discount->id_discount_type != 3)
       $order_total -= floatval($discount->getValue(sizeof($discounts), $order_total_products, $shipping_fees, $this->id, intval($withTaxes)));


/* Secondly applying all vouchers to the correct amount */
foreach ($discounts AS $discount)
   if ($discount->id_discount_type != 3)
       if ($discount->id == 1)
           $order_total += floatval($discount->getValue(sizeof($discounts), $order_total_products, $shipping_fees, $this->id, intval($withTaxes)));
           $order_total -= floatval($discount->getValue(sizeof($discounts), $order_total_products, $shipping_fees, $this->id, intval($withTaxes)));

where 1 is the id of the voucher you want to be added instead of subtracted.

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Darn!!! :shut:

I am on 1.1 and it does not work for me...

this is sample of code that i made, it starts from 595 line:

                /* Secondly applying all vouchers to the correct amount */
               foreach ($discounts AS $discount)
                   if ($discount->id_discount_type != 3)
                       if ($discount->id == 1)
                           $order_total += floatval($discount->getValue(sizeof($discounts), $order_total_products, $shipping_fees, $this->id));
                           $order_total -= floatval($discount->getValue(sizeof($discounts), $order_total_products, $shipping_fees, $this->id));
       if ($type == 5) return $shipping_fees;
       if ($type == 6) return $wrapping_fees;
       if ($type == 3) $order_total += $shipping_fees + $wrapping_fees;
       if ($order_total < 0 AND $type != 2) return 0;
       return $order_total;

As soon as i made this change front office dont work at all... HTTP 500 internal server error appears

Can you help me?

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You'll need to change lines 187-188 of shopping-cart.tpl in your theme's directory to:

{if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2}{if $discount.id_discount == 1}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_real}{else}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_real*-1}{/if}{if $priceDisplay == 2} {l s='+Tx'}
{if $priceDisplay}{if $discount.id_discount == 1}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_tax_exc}{else}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_tax_exc*-1}{/if}{if $priceDisplay == 2} {l s='-Tx'}{/if}{/if}

and line 82 of modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl to:

{if $discount.id_discount != 1}-{/if}{if $priceDisplay == 1}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_tax_exc}{else}{convertPrice price=$discount.value_real}{/if}

and line 321 of modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js to:

$('#bloc_cart_voucher_' + this.id + ' td.price').text(this.id == 1 ? abs(this.price) : this.price);

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I am trying to do the samebut instead of negative amount my voucher is negative %. I added a negative % voucher by editing the discount value directly on the database, and it works perfect at first. But when I confirm the order I get this error: (Fatal error (Discount -> value = -12.00)

Any ideas? thanks.




Solved here


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